
Well hello.

It sure has been a while. You may or may not have noticed that we fell off the blog wagon in a big way. I’d like to step back on the wagon with some highlights from the past few months. They have been quite eventful and, I must say, a lot of fun. Since February we have…

-Seen boobs on Bourbon St. in New Orleans

-Eaten homemade gumbo in Lafayette, LA

-Attended the SXSW festival in Austin

-Gone roller skating and learned about “unschooling” with a couch surfing host in Dallas

-Listened to Steven’s Grandpa’s stories in St. Louis

-Made friends with a wilderness man in Indiana

-Gotten drinks with a bunch of Ohio State grad school engineers in Columbus

-Gambled in Atlantic City

-Won the Sloan River Project poker tournament

-Become famous and signed autographs for a day in Raleigh, NC

-Been gifted a case of beer after playing a show at a brewery

-Driven a woman from northern Arkansas to meet her online boyfriend for the first time in Texas

-Returned to Austin, TX and swam (and dove) in Barton Springs

-Returned an endangered lizard to the wild

-Camped at White Sands, NM

-Planted beans and potatoes and ate the most delicious homegrown meals in Concho, AZ

-Hiked into the Grand Canyon

-Had a bachelorette party show up to our show in Cottonwood, AZ. They LOVED sing-a-longs.

-Driven 9,440 miles, changed our EGR valve and brake pads, gotten three oil changes and a new windshield, and driven through a massive swarm of bees. Only one car wash.

I must say that the month of May has definitely been a high point for me. The journey has gotten juicier and we have met and connected to some of the most interesting people. We are looking forward to spending some time in San Diego next month and seeing what unfolds next =)



3 responses to “Highlights

  1. You both are awesome! Keep having those grand times and meeting such interesting people. Love you, Kathy T.

  2. Missing you, my girl! And wow – what an amazing journey your journey has become! Keep at it. Keep smiling. Keep believing. Keep loving. Always – Amy

  3. You kids have certainly burned a path across the USA. Takes blind faith and courage! Praying you learn every day from it. Sounds like you do. Hugs, Cathy H

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